About Armlook

Welcome to Armlook.com, a unique platform that has evolved with time, yet remains true to its core mission of amplifying the voice of Armenia and its people. Our journey began in the year 2000, founded by two visionaries who recognized the potential of the digital world long before it became mainstream.

In its early days, Armlook.com was a pioneering video portal, a trailblazer in ethnic content streaming. We began by publishing a diverse range of content acquired from various TV stations. At a time when streaming ethnic video content online was unheard of, Armlook.com served as a beacon, bringing the vibrant culture, stories, and voices of Armenia to a global audience.

However, as the digital landscape evolved with the rise of platforms like YouTube, where TV companies began to independently upload and monetize their content, we at Armlook faced a crossroads. It was then that the founders made a strategic decision to transform Armlook.com. We pivoted from being just a video portal to becoming an informative hub about Armenia, both for locals and the global community.

Today, Armlook.com stands as a significant informative website, dedicated to shedding light on Armenia’s rich history, culture, and current affairs. We delve into the heart of Armenian people’s challenges, focusing on crucial issues like border conflicts and other geopolitical matters. Our content is designed not only to inform but also to engage and inspire our readers to understand the depth and complexity of Armenia’s story.

As we continue our journey, we are committed to maintaining the integrity and quality of our content. We believe in the power of information and the role it plays in shaping perceptions and fostering a deeper understanding of Armenia’s place in the world.

Join us at Armlook.com as we continue to share, inform, and celebrate the Armenian spirit. Whether you are here to explore the rich tapestry of our culture, stay updated on current affairs, or understand the historical complexities of our region, we are here to guide you through the journey of Armenia and its people.